Saturday, January 15, 2011

Silly moments with Queen Kimmi

Well we join you now at the center as we begin our "Training" to become Nepali women. After learning to make some jewelry we started on crocheting. Larissa picked it up very well and Kim...gave it her very best effort and almost finished one flower (before her yarn broke) while Larissa made that time. So needless to say. Kim did well but has decided to stick to sleeping, eating and occasionally reading...oh and hanging with the girls. 

The other funny moment with Kim was finding out that while she was freezing at night, she was actually sleeping on about about ten extra blankets. (Kim: obviously my intuition is a little off when I am looking for something. It's not like I am lacking anything in my brain. -.-;) 

Other than that we are doing great. It is great to be back as the center as we are waiting for our luggage...still. But our hopes are high as our travel agent is trying to do something about it. Our relationships with the girls are improving as we all unite in the knowledge that we share the same, one and only God. At first it was a challenge for me (Kim) to view them as people. I mean I knew that they were, but it was hard for me actually think that. But I have gladly come to see that they smile, laugh, cry and feel all the same emotions we do. They take joy in most of the same situations and just all 'round, they are the same as us. :)

Obeth is still learning the language and is very good at it...most of the time. The pronunciation is a little off (we blame it on her being Swiss) but thats no big deal. Just ask her to say Chara and everyone bursts into laughter. We have also come to know that the big question we face on a day to day basis is not 'why' but rather 'Why not?" (Say in Nepali accent). We were FINALLY able to do some dishes, although they wouldn't let us do all of them, but we are making progress.

Something that has really moved us this past little while is just how much the girls have opened up to us. We are tickling each other and laughing at one another's stories, just really getting to know them and allow them to touch our hearts. With some of the newer ones their smile seems very fragile, but when I catch a glimpse of it, Gods love just spreads in my heart. It is amazing to see God and His healing at work. I hope that He will continue to show us the power of his love. Next Saturday we will be talking about the unity and love of Nepal in church so please pray for us. :)

Well we are off for a short break before helping the girls with their English. We send love to all our readers and those at CLBI whom we miss. So much love also to our families back home, where ever they might call home. Peace be with you all. 

- The beautiful Canadian/Nepali Women from CLBI.

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